Monday, March 25, 2013

Perle Cotton Easter Eggs

Blue and Taupe Eggs

About 6 years ago, I saw this idea in an issue of Martha Stewart Living Magazine. These are styrofoam eggs, purchased at the local craft store, covered with DMC #3 and #5 Perle Cotton. They are easy enough for kids to make, but there is enough creative scope for adults.

I spent some time this evening making a new egg to document the process, but Martha's directions are more precise than my own.  I've added the link to the article.
(All the photographs are my own work, no Martha's.)

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Owl Mandala

Owl Mandala
cotton and silk floss on 20 ct. linen
pattern from

I chose this pattern based on an on-going story telling project I've was involved in for several years.

The red line represents a story element, as well as the thread of any narrative that brings ideas together.

This is a close up of the stitching I did on the individual feathers.  I used both variegated and solid color floss in a wide pallet of browns and grays.  I then alternated contrasting colors to make each feather look distinct from the rest.